Junglee is a Bollywood action-adventure film directed by Chuck Russel and produced by Vineet Jain. The film stars Vidyut Jammwal, Pooja Sawant, and Asha Bhat in the lead roles. the film revolves around a veterinary doctor, who upon returning to his father’s elephant reserve, encounters and fights against an international poacher’s racket. In this movie Vidyut Jammwal animals lover. In this post, we will cover the Junglee Box Office Collection.
Also, Check the Latest Bollywood Movies Collections.
Junglee Box Office Collection
Junglee Daywise Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | N/A |
2nd Day Collection | N/A |
3rd Day Collection | N/A |
4th Day Collection | N/A |
5th Day Collection | N/A |
6th Day Collection | N/A |
7th Day Collection | N/A |
8th Day Collection | N/A |
9th Day Collection | N/A |
10th Day Collection | N/A |
Junglee Total Box Office Collection | N/A |
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