Manikarnika is an Bollywood Action Movie directed by Kangana Ranaut and Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi, which is all set to taste a huge success in the starting of the year. It seems to be one of the blockbusters of the year 2019. A biopic of the 22-year-old girl Great Warrior Rani Laxmibai who sacrificed her life for the nation. Kangana is playing a lead character and will feature with Atul Kulkarni, Ankita Lokhande and Jisshu Sengupta. The movie is going to hit on cinemas on 25th January 2019. In this post let see Manikarnika Box Office Collection.
Manikarnika Box Office Collection
Each and every movie focus to get on the top of the box office as it gives the revenue to the team and movie. It is crucial for movies to generate a good amount of money and progress in making new movies. Manikarnika Box Office Collection totally relies on the public and many other factors.
Manikarnika Daywise Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | 10.94 |
2nd Day Collection | 22.63 |
3rd Day Collection | 19.65 |
4th Day Collection | 12.00 |
5th Day Collection | 8.50 |
6th Day Collection | 7.30 |
7th Day Collection | 6.80 |
8th Day Collection | 6.20 |
9th Day Collection | 7.80 |
10th Day Collection | 9.30 |
Manikarnika Total Box Office Collection | 150 Cr |
Click here to Watch Manikarnika Full Movie Online.