A Bollywood social-drama film Mere Pyare Prime Minister directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra. The film story follows four children living in a Mumbai slum. An 8-year-old Kanhu living in a slum of Mumbai. An ugly incident happens with his mother. Then, he writes a letter to the Indian Prime Minister. Below this article, you will find details about Mere Pyare Prime Minister Daywise Box Office Collection.
Mere Pyare Prime Minister Box Office Collection
Also, Check the Latest Bollywood Box Office Collections
Mere Pyare Prime Minister Daywise Collection | Collection (Cr) |
1st Day Collection | TBA |
2nd Day Collection | TBA |
3rd Day Collection | TBA |
4th Day Collection | TBA |
5th Day Collection | TBA |
6th Day Collection | TBA |
7th Day Collection | TBA |
8th Day Collection | TBA |
9th Day Collection | TBA |
10th Day Collection | TBA |
Mere Pyare Prime Minister Total Box Office Collection | TBA |
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