Manikarnika is an Bollywood Action Movie directed by Kangana Ranaut and Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi, which is all set to taste a huge success in the starting of the year. It seems to be one of the blockbusters of the year 2019. A biopic of the 22-year-old girl Great Warrior Rani Laxmibai who sacrificed her life […]
Manikarnika Box Office Collection
Manikarnika Box Office Collection, Hit Or Flop
Kangana Ranaut is playing the lead role in this movie of Rani Laxmibai. Almost after a year, Kangana Ranaut is back with her new captivating look in her new Bollywood movie Manikarnika. A biopic of the 22-year-old girl Great Warrior Rani Laxmibai who sacrificed her life for the nation. The movie is going to hit […]